Questions & Answers

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Sometimes I get stomach pains when I go through my journey, how come this happens and is there something I can do to prevent it?

Quick solution: Consume something acidic like lemon juice or even orange juice.

Explanation: Although it’s not really clear as to why stomach pain occurs during consumption of mushrooms, it is theorized that the chitin content in each fruiting body may be the cause. The acidity would help break down the material causing stomach pain while not having an effect on the ‘magic’ portion of the mushroom

You could also try the lemon-tek, which is basically grinding or cutting up the mushroom and soaking it in lemon juice for 25 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. Just beware that the trips are more intense but a bit shorter, so use at your own discretion.

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Do you only have one dosage for capsules?

We actually have 3! The dosages are 100mg, 150mg, and 200mg.

As a reminder, we recommend starting on a day where you know you’ll be home the entire day and picking a dosage that you think you can take without feeling any sort of active symptoms. A 100mg dose is pretty small and designed for those who are sensitive to medicine so you may want to start with a 150mg or 200mg if you’re a larger person. Microdosing is supposed to have a more passive effect, so if you feel like you’re actually taking a mini-dose, take a smaller dosage.

For more information on dosages, click here.

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