Dosage information

In this page you’ll find a more detailed outline of what to expect from specific dosages. However, since our products tend to be on the stronger side, each product has their own respective dosage chart. Make sure to look at the specific product’s page to get a better idea of how much to consume.


50mg – 250mg or 0.05 – 0.25g

Non psychoactive*
Mood enhancement
Decreased stress
Emotional stability
Mindfulness, presence and peace
Openness and self-forgiveness
Increased empathy and sociability
Conversational fluidity
Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD
Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes)
Increased focus/productivity
Increased flow states
Clearer, more connected thinking
Improved memory
Enhanced senses
Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
Increased creativity
Easier meditation
Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
Relaxation and increased awareness of body
Enhanced athletic endurance
Increased energy overall (without anxiety or subsequent crash)
Amplification of mood, positive or negative
Slight sedative effect


250mg – 750mg or 0.25 – 0.75g

Mood enhancement, mild euphoria or excitement
Mindfulness, presence, and peace
Openness and self-forgiveness
Introspective insights
Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD
Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes)
Increased flow states
Clearer, more connected thinking
Enhanced senses
Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
Increased creativity
Easier meditation
Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
Relaxation and increased awareness of body
Increased energy in waves
Mild body high
Amplification of mood, positive or negative
Preference for introspection over socializing
Increased sensitivity to light
Very mild visuals, if any

Museum dose

500mg – 1500mg or 0.5g – 1.5g

Mood enhancement, euphoria or excitement
Mild to moderate visuals (e.g. “breathing” environments)
Increased empathy
Conversational fluidity
Increased flow states
Enhanced senses
Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
Increased creativity
Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting
Enhanced athletic endurance
Moderate body high
Clear come-up, peak, and come-down
Amplification of mood, positive or negative
Altered perception of sound
Time dilation or contraction (time passing more slowly or quickly)
Increased sensitivity to light
Pupil dilation

Moderate dose

2000mg – 3500mg or 2g – 3.5g

Strong euphoria or excitement
Sense of peace
Mystical experience and feelings of wonder
Life-changing introspective or philosophical insights
Increased flow of ideas
Increased senses
Enhanced senses
Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting
Strong body high
Clear come-up, peak, and come-down
Amplification of emotions, whether good or bad
Open- and closed-eye visuals (e.g. patterns, auras)
Time dilation or contraction (time passing more slowly or quickly)
Unusual physical sensations
Sensitivity to light
Wide pupil dilation
Compulsive yawning

Heroic Dose

5000mg+ or 5g+

Strong euphoria or excitement
Mystical experience and intense feelings of wonder
Life-changing introspective or philosophical insights
Ego death
Increased flow of ideas
Increased creativity
Enhanced senses
Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting
Very strong body high
Clear come-up, peak, and come-down
Amplification of emotions, whether good or bad
Very strong open- and closed-eye visions (e.g. memories coming to life)