Hey there travelers, welcome back to another blog post! Today I won’t be going over Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms but instead I’ll go over a bit more about what’s going on here at Mushroom Kingdom. Recently, we were able to find out how to test the potency of our fruit and I’m super excited to let you guys know that our product is as potent as it can get!

More about the test in the coming weeks.

We ran two tests to make sure to account for errors and as you can see, our stuff is at the top end of the spectrum. This is a testament of the hard work, research, and discipline of the growing team. Personally, I’m super proud of what we were able to accomplish and how far we’ve gotten, and we’re only going to go up from here!

In other news, there has been a few updates to our website that I’d like to quickly go over. First, our Guides page is going to include multiple sections so you can find what you’re looking for much easier. For now, some of the stuff from our product page has been moved under our guides to declutter and consolidate repetitive info that won’t bloat your browsing for a better experience.

“Wow, thank you so much for all your hard work! Here’s $500!” -Nobody

In the near future, we’ll be posting a Q&A section with common questions and the best answers we can give. I’ll also be going over “trip sitting” and “bad trips.” Without going over too much, trip sitting is being accompanied with an experienced traveler and going over bad trips can help clear up some myths or provide some information. One of our core values is to do the right thing, and telling the truth about bad trips is something we want to address head on, not avoiding the concern that some of you may have.

That’s all for today! I know it was a short blog post but I try to keep these posts brief and concise so I don’t waste your time! But if you like our content or want some more, definitely stick around and we’ll do our best to help you become a better self! As always, I hope you all have a great week, and safe journeys!